Academic Chair
The Academic Chair is a “front line” administrative position that reports to the Campus Dean and is responsible for providing strong academic leadership, personnel supervision, student assistance, fiscal management, and facility oversight for an academic department. The scope of the Academic Chair’s responsibilities extends to all the department’s course and programmatic offerings, including day, evening, weekend, extensions, distance-learning and other means of delivering instruction. Additional expectations of the academic chair include participation in campus and College functions, such as. commencement, meetings of full-time and adjunct faculty,awards and recognition ceremonies, and curriculum advisory councils.
Specific duties include:
1. Supervising faculty, program leaders and support staff assigned to the departmental unit;
2. Designing academic class schedules (except continuing education), and teaching assignments that will best serve student and curricular needs;
3. Promoting effective and innovative instructional methods through collaboration with departmental faculty and by encouraging appropriate professional development opportunities for the faculty;
4. Promoting program growth through evaluation of existing courses and curricula, revision or development of new courses and programs, and participation in program reviews, program accreditation and campus self-studies.
5. Responding to student academic problems;
6. Providing academic advisement for incoming and continuing students, including approval of changes of schedules, prerequisite waivers, changes of emphasis, and course substitution or waiver requests;.
7. Recruiting and assisting in the selection of new full-time and adjunct faculty and providing orientation and early support for same;
8. Evaluating faculty and making recommendations with regard to personnel matters including: course certification, re-appointments, dismissal, promotion and tenure (continuing appointment);
9. Providing for daily operation of the department by scheduling meetings, appointing committees, keeping proper records, establishing and meeting with advisory committees and similar activities;
10. Working with appropriate College units to plan recruitment and retention efforts for the academic programs within the department;
11. Preparing and managing the department’s operating budget and assisting in the development of capital budgets for facility improvements;
12. Arranging for the readiness of facilities specifically assigned to the department;
13. Teaching a class or classes in accordance with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the Guild of Administrative Officers and the College/County of Suffolk and as approved by the campus dean of faculty;
14. Carrying out such other relevant duties as determined and assigned by the campus dean.
The Academic Chair is a “front line” administrative position that reports to the Campus Dean and is responsible for providing strong academic leadership, personnel supervision, student assistance, fiscal management, and facility oversight for an academic department. The scope of the Academic Chair’s responsibilities extends to all the department’s course and programmatic offerings, including day, evening, weekend, extensions, distance-learning and other means of delivering instruction. Additional expectations of the academic chair include participation in campus and College functions, such as. commencement, meetings of full-time and adjunct faculty,awards and recognition ceremonies, and curriculum advisory councils.
Specific duties include:
1. Supervising faculty, program leaders and support staff assigned to the departmental unit;
2. Designing academic class schedules (except continuing education), and teaching assignments that will best serve student and curricular needs;
3. Promoting effective and innovative instructional methods through collaboration with departmental faculty and by encouraging appropriate professional development opportunities for the faculty;
4. Promoting program growth through evaluation of existing courses and curricula, revision or development of new courses and programs, and participation in program reviews, program accreditation and campus self-studies.
5. Responding to student academic problems;
6. Providing academic advisement for incoming and continuing students, including approval of changes of schedules, prerequisite waivers, changes of emphasis, and course substitution or waiver requests;.
7. Recruiting and assisting in the selection of new full-time and adjunct faculty and providing orientation and early support for same;
8. Evaluating faculty and making recommendations with regard to personnel matters including: course certification, re-appointments, dismissal, promotion and tenure (continuing appointment);
9. Providing for daily operation of the department by scheduling meetings, appointing committees, keeping proper records, establishing and meeting with advisory committees and similar activities;
10. Working with appropriate College units to plan recruitment and retention efforts for the academic programs within the department;
11. Preparing and managing the department’s operating budget and assisting in the development of capital budgets for facility improvements;
12. Arranging for the readiness of facilities specifically assigned to the department;
13. Teaching a class or classes in accordance with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the Guild of Administrative Officers and the College/County of Suffolk and as approved by the campus dean of faculty;
14. Carrying out such other relevant duties as determined and assigned by the campus dean.